Negative and Positive Effects of Social Media


Social media is everywhere, and if we benefit from it on many levels, we also suffer the consequences. Here are their main advantages and the disadvantages that they often have without our knowledge of our daily lives, relationships, and mood.

Negative: adverse effects on sleep

A study conducted at the University shows that lack of sleep can be linked to a more prolonged presence on the web, especially on social networks like Facebook. After considering different factors such as gender, age, academic workload, and exam dates, the results showed a direct link between chronic sleep deprivation, gloomy mood, lower productivity, and poor performance—increased time spent on Facebook.

A study in the Journal of Child Neurology found that teens who continued to text at night after turning off their bedroom lights experienced poorer quality sleep and lower grades than those who texted overnight. Light on. Their results showed that after the lights were turned off, the blue light emitted by smartphones and tablets intensified, delaying melatonin's secretions, the sleep hormone. This light thus disrupts sleep cycles and the quality of the latter. Note that the blue light emitted by screens can affect melatonin production even when the eyelids are closed.

Negative: more spending

According to a survey carried out by the firm Citizen Relations, 56% of  aged 18 to 30 live beyond their means because of the influence exerted by social networks. To make their Instagram account more appealing, some also go so far as to invest.

When you sign up for a social network like Facebook, bear in mind that, first and foremost, the Silicon Valley giant is a corporation that sells advertisement space. Its goal is to earn money by selling your personal information.

Negative: professional reputation

Employers and headhunters are constantly utilizing social networks to identify recruits. But even before an interview to review their profile! A survey published on the online recruiting site CareerBuilder found that a quarter of employers who consult Facebook and company have already dismissed candidates because of the content of their home page or their blog - racy photos, reports of drinking, snarling comments -to their ex-employer.

Keep humble... And be persistent, Mind Drop maker, insists. If you present yourself as a creative worker, but the content on your profile is boring like rain, you won't convince your future employer. Ditto, if you pride yourself on being a genius in communication, but your Facebook profile is filled with errors.

Negative: decrease in our productivity

Social networking helps people to multitask more and more. When we are focusing on something else, we also glance at our Facebook account. You might think that this would allow us to accomplish two things simultaneously, but on the contrary, our concentration decreases, and our rate of productivity decreases.

Positive: places of solidarity

Dissemination of notices of a search for missing persons, donation campaigns, or support for humanitarian causes, social networks has become powerful tools to sensitize a large number of individuals to solidarity and eco-responsible action.


So, whether it's to give your couch, educate those around you about the benefits of the vegan diet, or share "tips" with your community, the social network is ideal.

Negative: negative mood spread

According to a large scientific study of more than one million Facebook users, posts with negative connotations could spread between users.

In this research, participants exposed to rain were more likely to post a negative message about these bad weather conditions.

Besides, the researchers observed that for any person negatively affected by rain on social media, one to two people could also be affected by this negative effect, in the absence of said bad weather conditions.

In this sense, the researchers hypothesize that social media could propagate certain effects on a larger scale.

Positive: fight against isolation of the elderly

Social networking may be a good solution for older people's depression and alienation. Many of these older people with reduced mobility suffer from a breakdown in social ties. By allowing people to communicate without moving, the Internet is particularly effective. Thus, they allowed seniors to keep in touch with their family, do simple research, find old friends, or consult photos of their grandchildren. So, don't hesitate to show your elders how to use Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

Positive: business networking

"Using social networks to look for a job means participating in a networking happy hour to which part of the planet would be invited, creator of mind illustrates. Drop, a marketing strategies company.

Think about all your contacts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter. Contacts who have contacts who have contacts. "By informing them that you are looking for a job, you multiply your chances to infinity of finding your future employer", supports the one who runs various training courses on social media management. In his view, for searching for a career, LinkedIn is the most important network. "It's a virtual resume. Your connections will refer theirs to you for jobs.

Negative: risks of depression for a 24/7 connection among young people

University's survey confirmed that depression lurks in young people connected 24/7 on social media. Because they submit to insane pressure to be available 100% of the time online on social networks, our teens are at risk of depression, anxiety attacks, or insomnia.

Youth are not unique in this regard. Still, they are arguably one of the most at risk among the G8 nations, and young are the second most connected after those in the modern world. According to the study, most teenagers are connected to the Internet worldwide on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Snapchat, or Instagram. However, their attention is not monopolized by one social network, but often by three, four, or even more. However, this dependence has repercussions on their health.

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