Choosing the Right Blanket for Moving and Storage


protective packaging

When it comes to moving or storing your belongings, one of the most important things to consider is how to protect them from damage. One of the most effective ways to do this is by using moving blankets or storage blankets. These blankets are designed to provide a protective barrier for your items, helping to keep them safe and secure during transport or storage. This blog will discuss the different types of moving and storage blankets available and how to choose the right blanket for your specific needs.

Types of Moving and Storage Blankets

Several types of moving and storage blankets are available, each with unique features and benefits.

Quilted Moving Blankets:

Quilted moving blankets are made from a combination of cotton and polyester and are designed to provide a high level of protection for your belongings. They are typically thicker and more durable than other types of moving blankets, making them a great choice for heavy or fragile items.

Woven Moving Blankets:

Woven moving blankets are made from a combination of cotton and polyester and are designed to provide a medium level of protection for your belongings. They are typically lighter and more flexible than quilted moving blankets, making them a great choice for items that are not as heavy or fragile.

Furniture Pads:

Furniture pads are designed to provide a protective barrier for furniture, helping to keep it safe and secure during transport or storage. They come in a range of sizes to fit various types of furniture and are normally constructed from a blend of cotton and polyester.

Bubble wraps:

Bubble wraps are typically used for fragile items such as glassware or electronics. They provide a cushioning effect around the items and protect them during transport and storage.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Moving or Storage Blanket

When choosing a moving or storage blanket, there are several factors to consider, including:

·         Size: The size of the blanket is important, as it needs to be large enough to fully cover the item you are protecting. Consider the size of the item you are moving or storing, and choose a slightly larger blanket to ensure full coverage. For example, for your mattress choose a mattress moving cover according to size.

·         Material: Consider the material of the blanket, as different materials provide different levels of protection. Quilted moving blankets are typically thicker and more durable, while woven moving blankets are typically lighter and more flexible.

·         Durability: Consider the durability of the blanket, as it needs to be able to withstand the rigors of transport or storage. Look for blankets made from high-quality materials that are designed to be durable and long-lasting.

·         Weight: Consider the weight of the blanket, as it needs to be easy to handle and maneuver. Look for lightweight blankets that are easy to move around and won't add unnecessary weight to your load.


In conclusion, moving or storing blankets are essential for protecting your belongings during transport or storage. Choosing the right blanket is crucial, and it's essential to consider the blanket's size, material, durability, and weight. Choosing the right blanket for your specific needs ensures your belongings are safe and secure during transport or storage.
