The Ultimate Guide to Permanent Teeth Whitening

permanent teeth whitening

Are you tired of concealing your smile due to yellow or stained teeth? Are you looking for a long-lasting solution to tooth discoloration? Look no further! In this article, we will discuss permanent teeth whitening and everything you need to know about it.

What is Permanent Teeth Whitening?

Permanent teeth whitening is a dental treatment that aims to make your teeth lighter in color and get rid of stains that have built up over time. Unlike over-the-counter teeth whitening products, a dental professional performs permanent teeth whitening procedures and provides longer-lasting results.

Types of Permanent Teeth Whitening

There are two types of permanent teeth whitening procedures: In-office whitening and take-home whitening.

In-office Whitening:

A dental professional performs this type of whitening in a dental office. The dentist administers a highly concentrated gel to your teeth, which is then activated by a special light. In-office whitening usually takes about an hour and can provide immediate results.

Take-home Whitening:

This whitening type involves custom-made trays filled with a lower concentration of whitening gel. The trays are worn for a few hours a day or overnight for several weeks, depending on the severity of the stains. Take-home whitening provides gradual and long-lasting results.

Benefits of Permanent Teeth Whitening

Permanent teeth whitening provides several benefits, including:

·         Improved Self-Confidence: A brighter smile can help you feel better about yourself and more at ease in social settings.

·         Long-Lasting Results: Unlike over-the-counter products, permanent teeth whitening provides longer-lasting results.

·         Customized Treatment: Permanent teeth whitening procedures are tailored to your specific needs and goals.

·         Safe and Effective: Dental professionals perform permanent teeth whitening procedures, ensuring that the treatment is safe and effective.

Risks of Permanent Teeth Whitening

Although permanent teeth whitening is generally safe, there are some risks involved, including:

·         Tooth Sensitivity: Some patients may experience temporary tooth sensitivity after the procedure.

·         Gum Irritation: The whitening gel used in the procedure can irritate the gums if it comes into contact with them.

·         Over-Whitening: Overuse of teeth-whitening products can lead to over-whitening, which can make your teeth appear translucent and unnatural.

·         Cost: Depending on the type of therapy, permanent teeth whitening methods can be costly.

How to Maintain the Results of Permanent Teeth Whitening

To keep your teeth white after a permanent whitening process, it's important to take care of your mouth and avoid things like coffee, tea, and red wine that can stain your teeth. It would be best if you also went to the doctor regularly to get your teeth cleaned and checked.


Permanent teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to make your smile look better and boost your self-esteem. Whether you get your teeth whitened in the dentist's office or at home, it's important to talk to a dentist about your choices and do what they say to keep your teeth white.

